mercredi 30 janvier 2013
toute une vie dans un regard
La merveille de sculpteurs qui arrivent à mettre dans d'expression dans le regard d'une statue de pierre, qui n'a de pierre que de la matière !
samedi 26 janvier 2013
Saturday Show off with white flowers
In northern France, it is too cold to see some flowers in the gardens.
So I propose a picture of the shopwindow of the florist in Paris.
First participation in 'Saturday Show off' :
click below to see the gallery
Pink Saturday with a pink bicycle
With Beverly, we paint our Saturdays in pink and share them, with other people who like this color.
Today I show you this pretty pink bike.
Last Saturday, I liked this pink fairy House :
To see the participations for this Saturday, click on the link underneath :
vendredi 25 janvier 2013
Weekend in B&W : a boat named "The Artist"
Hidden behind the leaves along the Seine, this houseboat is beautifully decorated and is the home of nature lovers.
This is my participation to weekend in Black and White :
click here to see the gallery.
Orange you glad it's Fridady with common butterwort
The French name is "grassette commune".
The Latin name is pinguicula vulgaris.
This is a mountain flower which has the particularity to be carnivorous.
For once I thought to photograph the explanation in my shots, I can give you the name of this flower beautifully orange.
It's my participation to
(click on the image to see the gallery of other participations)
lundi 21 janvier 2013
Macro Monday : details of a ring !
I like rings with various colors !
That one looks like a flower.
This is ma participation to Macro-Monday.
click on the thumbail to see the gallery
Blue Monday with nail art
Why not start the week with perfectly manicured nails ? A great way to fight against the cold and lack of energy!
This is my participation to Blue Monday :
Click on this link to see the gallery for this week !
dimanche 20 janvier 2013
Orange on a decorated egg
some of these collection eggs worth very much.
I took this photograph in a window of a department store in Paris.
This is my participation to "Orange you glac it's Friday",
click on the image to see the gallery for this week :
samedi 19 janvier 2013
A pink flower for my Pink Saturday
A round flower with a pretty pink variation, serrated petals and a yellow center.
(une fleur ronde avec une jolie variation de rose, des pétales dentelés et un centre jaune)
My eye was caught by the love birds
here :
I will try to do one !
My eye was caught by the love birds
here :
I will try to do one !
This is ma participation for this pink Saturday :
click on the image to see the gallery
The Enchanting Rose: Sweet Love Birds
J'ai sélection pour vous cet article qui vous explique comment faire vous même ces jolies petites chouettes en feutrine :
The Enchanting Rose: Sweet Love Birds: Aren't these owls adorable?! My husband jokingly said they have no purpose, but I told him they have the purpose of being cute a...
The Enchanting Rose: Sweet Love Birds: Aren't these owls adorable?! My husband jokingly said they have no purpose, but I told him they have the purpose of being cute a...
See how to do them !
vendredi 18 janvier 2013
Weekend B & W : the legs of a ballet dancer
In a shop selling items of dance, models have tutus and ballet slippers.
Become an opera star is the dream of many little girls.
This is my participation to the weekend reflections.
Click on this link to see the gallery !
mercredi 16 janvier 2013
lundi 14 janvier 2013
dimanche 13 janvier 2013
Nuages dans le ciel
C'est certainement le ciel qui présente le plus de variations : davantage que les paysages...
Ici, un soleil entouré de petits nuages.
samedi 12 janvier 2013
Pretty pink russian dolls
We find a lot of these items at the Christmas period,
because they could be toys for children
but I learned that beyond that, the Russian dolls symbolize fertility, the family, the people as a whole, and finally the Motherland.
I prefer the pink ones on my picture,
that's why I choose it for this pink Saturday.
click here to see the gallery of the other participations :
vendredi 11 janvier 2013
Weekend in B & W : Pont Alexandre III in Paris
Un de mes ponts préférés à Paris.
"The Pont Alexandre III (Alexander III Bridge) is Paris's most elegant bridge, ornamented with fine sculpture work, adding its own charm to an already beautiful site
The keystones are decorated with two compositions in beaten copper representing, upstream, the Nymphes de la Seine (the Seine Nymphs) bearing the arms of Paris, and, downstream, the Nymphes de la Néva (Nymphs of the Neva) bearing the arms of Russia by G. Récipon. "
Look here for more information about it !
This is ma participation at the Weekend in Black and White, click there to see the gallery of this week !
J'ai eu la surprise de découvrir que ma photo "grid with grapes" fait partie de la sélection de la semaine, un grand merci, cela fait plaisir.
jeudi 10 janvier 2013
Charme d'un beau vitrail
Un vitrail traité de façon très moderne :
avec le charme d'un village avec église, les champs, les moutons,
et de très jolies couleurs
mardi 8 janvier 2013
Jolies petites toupies coccinelles
Un jouet très traditionnel, la toupie, comme le yoyo,
mais toujours aussi ludique !
cute little ladybugs to play.
lundi 7 janvier 2013
Macro-Monday with a white flower
I also like its pretty good glossy leaves and bright green.
This is my participation for this Macro-Monday :
click on the picture to see the gallery
dimanche 6 janvier 2013
Pink Saturday : the rose and the old car
because pink is my favorite color
because I like to get animations on blogs
I participate in this lively Saturday.
(sorry for the delay in my first, but my computer crashed last night, just when I posted this article)
If you want to see the other entries, click here that takes you straight to the gallery.
samedi 5 janvier 2013
Orange ribbon for eternal love
A tradition on the Pont des Arts in Paris to seal his locks for love.
A very romantic approach adopted in other cities around the world.
This is ma participation for the challenge :
Click on the image to see the gallery for this week !
vendredi 4 janvier 2013
Weekend in B&W : a grid with grapes
I took this photo of a grid with grapes in a castle located in the center of France, in the department of Loire.
This is my participation for the Weekend in Black and White.
Click here to see the other proposals !
mardi 1 janvier 2013
Happy New Year 2013
I whish you a fabulous year.
Bonne année à tous,
remplie de joies, de rires...
de projets réalisés !
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